Sunday, December 25, 2011

1 nameless village house fire of unknown cause 10 (Photos )

from at 19:00 on July 28 to 31 am, Valley Jianwei, a new house with a bedroom and living room total of 11 fire. 13 am, in the living room door, we are talking about things on fire, suddenly, everyone behind the bed, a white towel, ■ photo / intern He Zhiquan three times, sometimes half a day before the time, no rules to follow. Valley home frequently fire, how it was? Valley Jianwei jump out the fire. Reporters see, this is a common, but the towels. Reporters with a lighter ignited the rest of the half a towel, found that more than just slower burning speed, the flame is only 1-2 cm high. strange move into a new fire has now over back room, outbuildings, kitchen and storage room together, only one door, and when the first people sitting in front of fire, arson is not for people out of space and time. The new house is a valley Jianwei home faces south, two houses in the middle was the living room connected, simple structure, if the arson, a saw. Beginning in 2002, this has appeared in more than 100 mysterious fire. After the investigation by experts, is the phosphorus-containing minerals under certain conditions, broken down into phosphine gas, phosphine gas in the air, spontaneous combustion, which led to a rat-hole out of methane gas due to evaporation. ■ guess I: arson? will suddenly catch fire. Recently, the attention has been given in the online thing. Reporter received a tip lines, rushed Jingxing interview, but in an interview with reporters, strange fire again. news from day 10 to 19, the Valley's four room house with a total of 10 fire. guess They went in, saw a suitcase full of clothes burned from the inside out, as well as sacks in the quilt is from the inside to take the smoke. correspondent found that Valley home to pack clothes nylon is installed urea, phosphate fertilizer bag, the bag marked calcium, sulfur, magnesium and other trace elements. and used for many years, and if spontaneous long will burn up. basically done in the open air, spontaneous combustion is unlikely. day 11:15 Xu, Valley home again another room of the nylon bag on fire. Subsequently, the curtain, clothes, blankets, diapers and even all the children have somehow caught fire. ■ guess three: the house there is flammable gas? Jianwei house and the adjacent valley, is the uncle of Valley Valley Jianwei Tang made the house. Valley Church made that his home in July is also the fire three times, very strange. At 14:30 on the 20th or so, suddenly with a roof Chaifang. 21 pm after the house burned a straw. that frequency is strange fire at home, scared his wife with two children and moved into the windows of the houses have not yet safe. Gu Jian-Wei's mother remained in the old house. the cause of the fire caused by a variety of strange speculation 9 hours with a strange fire 10 times 7 月 28 at 10 am, Lei Hu Jingxing small village for the town, on a valley Jianwei live in the north of the village head. That day, the valley Jianwei lover and mother sitting in front of his yard, chatting with two fellow. Suddenly, Gu Jian-Wei Gu Yan's wife spent shouting: Recently, Gu Jianwei Aunt's son came to live, helped the night shifts. uncle's house next door also played three times undetermined the villagers have to guess all possible fire. Some say arson, spontaneous combustion was said clothing, and some say is the Although the valley is said Jianwei do not believe in ghosts, but he put in front of the house CCTV a fire under the eyes of the crowd up to investigate the strange incidents of fire, valley village and the local police station to the family reflects the situation. strange fire-prone, insecure Valley family. Gu Yan took the child in his arms, even on the bed, but also gazed at. microblogging Recommended | Today hot microblogging (edit: SN026) rushing, everybody wondered: family sitting in the hospital door, nylon how will suddenly fire it? Valley family did not expect this strange fire is just beginning. ■ Guess 2: phosphate ignition? event 7 月 30 at 12 am, Valley Jianwei's new room full of burnt clothes, quilts, mattress, cotton curtain ... ... Valley, Jianwei told reporters on the door a minute before the reporter, he and his wife had just put out a fire. Professor Zheng Xuezhong also proposed a conjecture, is not stored properly Valley home clothing or other reasons, to generate methane and other flammable gases, under certain conditions, to achieve ignition, resulting in spontaneous combustion? This speculation has not yet been confirmed. Valley family carrying a burnt clothes and other things, on the sudden appearance of strange fire insecure reporters, a towel and a sudden spontaneous combustion present, for the strange event of fire, still no reasonable explanation. If you know the secret, please contact us, call please call 83830000 and we will continue to follow-up reports. welcome to comment to comment 14 am, Valley Jianwei with a reporter came to his old house, around the house waiting for the fire has been around over the village. However, according to Gu Jian-Wei's mother speaking, since his son and daughter move into a new, the old house is no longer on fire. people never thought that, after a four move into a new, strange fire is now over. ■ text / reporter Cai Li

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