Sunday, December 25, 2011

242 years old house is still intact without repair (Photos )

vold house above the left and right side of the stone doorframe carving a stone lions, one male and one female, but as the opposite turned and looked alive. Out on the left is the lion, mighty majestic lion, do not anger from the prestige; the right is the lioness, the feet have a little lion, his calm and charity, full of motherhood. Two lions although some areas are worn, torn, but the hair, claw toe, lace, bells and other chest, fine knife, the proportion of precise and appropriate. staff to research for reporters and heritage, Marina Ventura world where there is a monument to carefully wash it again. Xiushui repair Huang Huang Ting Memorial secretary for rubbing on the paper map, marked with rubbings, the Ventura clearly revealed, impressively in the head. Engraved on the right side of patio stone are the two poems: quinoa soup; most like the wind on that fine, flute harp playing zither. Chih Qi welcome to comment to comment microblogging Recommended | microblogging hot today (edit: SN026) system 242 years ago the richest man in the local construction old house patio four weeks a total of 24 stone, each stone is 50 cm, width 35 cm, in which symmetrical six stone engraved text and graphics. local villagers, told reporters that the old house many of the wooden structure, there have been moth-eaten, rotten situation, they hoped that relevant departments of the old house repair and maintenance information be packaged, it developed into a repair County water, a tourist attraction to promote local economic development. has some heritage value! old house covers an area of ​​about 1,000 square meters ■ Wu weeks now, Cao Cheng-ping, chief correspondent text / map Poetry, calligraphy on the stone foundation stone deep exquisite fine wood residue Marina's 70-year-old descendant of a long ridge Yang Lun Village Marina World villages where two groups of villagers, told reporters that this building is the old house of their ancestors the majority of the construction of the Marina, the walls of a stone patio on the right side of the construction time is recorded in the Qianlong 34 August, AD 1769, this calculation, has been 242 years old house. By Marina's family tree records, Kuang Ching Kang was born in 57 years the majority of November, dead at 52 Qianlong in January, the richest man in the local, Oxfam good life good, very good reputation. four poems old house owner to express his life like force through the 'rock' back, with smooth, elegant sense of chic. . Songhe under the same hall as the spring of the right pattern, Yiyu old house resident spring, eternal youth, longevity and St.; left as a back deer, form realistic, Yiyu Lu snapshots Xiushui County mayor Jin Lun Yang ridge villages village has two groups of villagers call the reporter said, the village has a 242-year history, has not been repaired, but still well-preserved old house where a large number of beautiful stone and wood, due to age-old, and some have been blurred, I hope to invite reporters to the site to inspect the heritage officer, the interpretation of the sculpture. 6, Reporters invited Xiushui County Memorial secretary Huang Huang Ting repair, cultural and historical research enthusiasts, Xiushui County Council Vice Chairman Chen reed rhizome photography came to the field, had visited the old house for this building. villagers want to protect and develop old house made landscape of the spirit! old house on the break and wooden beams, insects, fish, vividly, . Unfortunately, with age, there are many insects. residue Jin Lun village mayor Yang ridge two groups of villages about 60 kilometers from the Xiushui county, the reporters saw old house built in an open and elegant environment where, covering about 1,000 square meters, the courtyard and down the old house is divided into two different worlds. Although due to age-old, somewhat run-down old house, but construction of the main structure is still intact. The whole building is old house brick, brick Daiwa, strict symmetry structure, reasonable layout and lighting, simple and elegant style, typical of the Qing Dynasty northwestern Jiangxi residential areas.

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