Sunday, March 11, 2012

3 Things To Know Before You Submit To Article Directories_67432

Dear reader,

There are many tools that you can use to make the process of distributing your articles easier. However, although this is invaluable in getting your article exposed to additional sites, there are everyday mistakes that a few individuals do before submitting their articles to directories.

Let's take a look at the more usual mistakes made in 3 vital areas:

1) Confusing the reason to promote articles with the reason to write them.

In article writing, the major benefits of you promoting them is branding, lead generation and promotion, which are all part of your optimization efforts.

However, there is one purpose why you write articles, and that is to update your audience about a subject matter. It is greatly imperative that your article is based upon this reality, or else you stand to fail in the promotional benefits
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as outlined above.

2) Failing to realize and maximize the promotional opportunities of article marketing.

The first step to achieving this is to provide significant keywords at strategic places in the article. However, don't overdo this. A good target is to strive between a ten to fifteen percent keyword density.

You shouldn't only aim for your article to be accepted by article directories, but should ultimately aim for it to be used by publishers who scour the directories for website content. You should not underestimate the potential that this can have on your promotional efforts, as many of these publishers may have hundreds or thousands of regular visitors who possibly will then view your article.

3) Creating articles with content that does not help your readers.

Perhaps your only goal is to create an article and get links back from article directories, and that any visitor that you may get from this is fine.

Well you may need to think again. Many article directories clamp down on the amount of articles that they accept that are simply not up to standard. And even if a poorly written, uninformative article does make it into the article sites, then the possibility of being choosen by webmasters seeking quality content is certainly lost.

The benefits of one publisher with a hundred thousand website visitors selecting your article ought to be enough incentive for you to compose an informative article. This is by no means impractical, and you may realize that this value is conservative in what you possibly will accomplish from a number of publishers running your article on their site.

The option really is yours on how devoted you are in increasing the exposure of your article, and consequently your website. On a basic level you can elect to collect a few backlinks from article directories, or with a slight effort you can benefit from massive exposure from giving quality content.  

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