Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Free Online Fax Number_69828

While the lure of a free online fax number may sound appealing they may not be all that you may think of them to be. Many of the major online fax service providers offer free online fax numbers to attract large numbers of people to try their service and then upsell them to a one of their pay services.
The truth of the matter is an online fax company would not be able to sustain itself, if all it did was give away their faxing service. So when youre looking for a free online fax number keep in mind that there are usually some limitations, stipulations, and obligations that you may need to adhere to in order to use and maintain your service with that online fax provider.
After calling the sales office of one of the largest online fax services in the marketplace today I inquired about their free online fax numbers. They kindly explained to me that they were designed as marketing tools so that individuals can simply try the online fax service and see how they could receive faxes in their email.
Free online fax numbers are significantly limited in what their able to do. First of all your fax number is randomly generated - meaning you can't pick your area code. If you live in California your number will be located out fo Virginia.
Free online fax accounts are also typically set up for receiving faxes only. You cannot send. On top of that the number that you can receive is only about 20 pages. If it exceeds that 20 page maximum then the accounts automatically or you can upgrade the account to one of the pay subscriptions.
Not to mention that the email that you subscribe to the service with is usually added to a list where you will receive promotional offers and advertising from other companies. The company needs a way to support the free online fax service and they usually will do it by selling advertising. In order to maintain the service you need to stay subscribed to the promotional list. If you decide to opt out then that will usually suspend the free online fax account as well.
These are just a few of the stipulations related with a free online fax number. Keep in mind this is only with one of the main online fax providers. Im sure others may be different, but Im sure they would follow similar practices. Again, no business can be profitable by simply giving the service away for free.
An online fax number is a great way to increase your personal productivity and streamline your communications. A free online fax number works great if you just want to test online faxing out or if you get a few faxes per year. Anything other than that you should consider going with one of the paid online fax options.  

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