Saturday, July 27, 2013

绉樺瘑鑺卞洯 The Secret Garden_226

break on th' rose-bushes, an' he'd likely be healthier,"explained Dickon. "I was wonderin' if us could everget him in th' humor to come out here an' lie under th'
銆��trees in his carriage.""I've been wondering that myself. I've thought of italmost every time I've talked to him," said Mary.
銆��"I've wondered if he could keep a secret and I've wonderedif we could bring him here without any one seeing us.
銆��I thought perhaps you could push his carriage. The doctorsaid he must have fresh air and if he wants us to take himout no one dare disobey him. He won't go out for other peopleand perhaps they will be glad if he will go out with us.
銆��He could order the gardeners to keep away so they wouldn'tfind out."Dickon was thinking very hard as he scratched Captain's back.
銆��"It'd be good for him, I'll warrant," he said.
銆��"Us'd not be thinkin' he'd better never been born.
銆��Us'd be just two children watchin' a garden grow, an'
銆��he'd be another. Two lads an' a little lass just lookin'
銆��on at th' springtime.

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