Thursday, July 18, 2013

缁块噹浠欒釜_濂ュ吂鍥界殑榄旀硶甯_The Wonderful Wizard of Oz_26

said Boq. "Blue is the color of the Munchkins, and white is the witch color. So we know you are a friendly witch."  Dorothy did not know what to say to this, for all the people seemed to think her a witch, and she knew very well she was only an ordinary little girl who had come by the chance of a cyclone into a strange land.  When she had tired watching the dancing, Boq led her into the house, where he gave her a room with a pretty bed in it.  The sheets were made of blue cloth, and Dorothy slept soundly in them till morning, with Toto curled up on the blue rug beside her.  She ate a hearty breakfast, and watched a wee Munchkin baby, who played with Toto and pulled his tail and crowed and laughed in a way that greatly amused Dorothy.  Toto was a fine curiosity to all the people, for they had never seen a dog before.  "How far is it to the Emerald City?" the girl asked.  "I do not know," answered Boq gravely, "for I have never been there. It is better for people to keep away from

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