Wednesday, July 31, 2013

绉樺瘑鑺卞洯 The Secret Garden_332

baby way to get it.
銆��When I was going to try to stand that first time Marykept saying to herself as fast as she could,cheap coach purses, `You cando it! You can do it!' and I did. I had to try myselfat the same time, of course, but her Magic helped me--andso did Dickon's. Every morning and evening and as oftenin the daytime as I can remember I am going to say,'Magic is in me! Magic is making me well! I am goingto be as strong as Dickon, as strong as Dickon!' And youmust all do it, too. That is my experiment Will you help,Ben Weatherstaff?""Aye, aye,replica furla bags, sir!" said Ben Weatherstaff. "Aye, aye!""If you keep doing it every day as regularly as soldiersgo through drill we shall see what will happen and findout if the experiment succeeds. You learn thingsby saying them over and over and thinking about themuntil they stay in your mind forever and I think itwill be the same with Magic. If you keep calling itto come to you and help you it will get to be partof you and it will stay and do things." "I once heardan officer in India tell my mother that there

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