Thursday, August 1, 2013

Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince鍝堝埄娉㈢壒涓庢贩琛€鐜嬪瓙_420

the ground, the Snitch held high in his hand. As the crowd realized what had happened, a great shout went
up that almost drowned the sound of the whistle that signaled the end of the game.
鈥淕inny, where're you going?鈥�yelled Harry, who had found himself trapped in the midst of a mass midair hug with the rest of the team, but Ginny sped right on past
them until, with an almighty crash, she collided with the commentator's podium. As the crowd shrieked and laughed, the Gryffindor team landed beside the wreckage of
wood under which Zacharias was feebly stirring, Harry heard Ginny saying blithely to an irate Professor McGonagall, 鈥淔orgot to brake, Professor, sorry.鈥� Laughing, Harry broke free of the rest of the team and hugged Ginny, but let go very quickly. Avoiding her gaze, he clapped cheering Ron on the back instead as, all
enmity forgotten, the Gryffindor team left the pitch arm in arm, punching the air and waving to their supporters.
The atmosphere in the changing room was jubilant. 鈥淧arty up in the common room,

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