Tuesday, January 3, 2012

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2011 年 Gymnastics World Championships will be held October 7 -16 days in Tokyo, Japan. September 21 world championships the U.S. gymnastics team selection camp was held, followed by the U.S. gymnastics women's team to finalize the final list, Gede Te coach, assistant coach Wu Jiani, team members: Joe Ting - Webber, Sacramento Sihamoni, MA Ronnie, Lai Siman, Douglas, Li Anna, Vega. These seven people will have six world championships, the other as substitutes. Unfortunately, the back near the Beijing Olympic balance beam champion Shawn - Johnson unsuccessful. Sean gradually fade out after the Beijing Olympic Games gymnastics field, but in order to attend the London Olympics, Shawn announced back this year. In August she took part in the National Gymnastics Championships, the fourth harvest of the balance beam, uneven bars sixth. That the news of defeat, Sean said on Twitter: Games are still confident. In addition, the name Mei Mel and 2009 World Championships all-around champion Sloan has not nominated, but all three will be held in Guadalajara, Mexico next month's Pan American Games gymnastics competition. Another name for the U.S. Gymnastics Championships Barros injured, and the entire season. (New body) Ticker on September 22, according to the Associated Press reported that the U.S. women's team gymnastics world championships officially announced the list. 16-year-old prodigy Joe Ting - Weber led, pupils month-old daughter of Li Anna Li also entered the list, his wife Wu Jiani as assistant coach, unfortunately star Sean - Mei Mel Johnson and unsuccessful. in the last world championships, the U.S. team lost to Sita Fenner led the Russian team, missed the defending women's team champion, the U.S. women's team a comeback, and strive to regain the championship. in seven people, 16-year-old Joe Ting - Weber was given high expectations, she was recognized as the United States after the gymnastics all-around gold in the willow first person in the previous National Championships, she won the all-around, uneven bars and three floor exercise champion, balance beam and third place.

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