Thursday, January 5, 2012

Welding Gear And Personal Protective Equipment_45124

Beyond the welding torch and equipment that the welder uses to do their work, there is also a need for specific welding gear and personal protective equipment to make sure that welder is safe. There are a variety of things that are important to safety. Here are some of the most important:

Gloves -- although you may see some welders who do not use gloves,Black Uggs Boots, they are an essential part of any welder's clothing. These protect your hands from sparks,Ugg Jimmy Choo Kalia, burns and electric shock. You can find them in form fitting models that help your hands stay flexible and you can get them lined or unlined. Gauntlet gloves will also protect your wrists and upper arms.

Hats or doo rags -- both of these types of things are worn for the same purpose. A doo rag is just the wrap that looks like a scarf that wraps around the head. A welding hat or doo rag is worn to absorb sweat and resist sparks from your welding work. Usually you can get these in a variety of colors and patterns. Most hats will protect your ears as well as your head.

Helmets -- a welding helmet has several functions for your safety. It protects your head and face from sparks and provides protection to your eyes from the flash and intense heat of the flame. You are also protected in some respects from breathing in the fumes. Some are solar powered or darken as a result of the exposure to the flare of the flame. According to OSHA standards, the helmet shell has to be resistant to electricity and heat, and it has to be opaque so it protects your eyes from the light. The cover plate on the outside has to be made of plastic that is polycarbonate because this is the only type of plastic that will protect from UV rays.

The helmet should have a lens filter that is glass that has a filler that protects you from the light that goes through your eyes. The filters range from #2-#14 with the helmet being darker as the numbers get higher. This is a matter of preference in terms of how dark you want the helmet filter.

Boots - make sure your boots are fire retardant and that they are high tops because they will protect you from sparks. Make sure also that you lace them all the way and put your pant legs into the boots. These are extra precautions that will keep you safe when you are welding.

Respirators -- when you are in an environment where ventilation isn't good,UGG Jimmy Choo Starlit, you need to use a respirator. If they do not provide them they should be able to tell you the type you need for compliance.

General safety precautions -- Be sure that you are wearing the right clothes when welding. Make sure clothes are made from a heavy 100% cotton or wool and that the fabric is woven tightly. This will protect against open flames and any hot metal that sparks. Do not wear synthetics as they are easy to catch on fire.

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