Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Creative Tips On Making Money_57568

We all dream of escape, perhaps a move to sunnier climes, or to a job we would really love but the reality can be mounting unpaid bills, a leaky roof and drowning in debt. But even if you don抰 have a penny to your name we all have the tools to find inventive ways of making money ?you just need your brain and the knowledge of how to convert ideas into commercial success. ?Writing. There is a current boom in the trend of real life magazines for women. If you have an interesting life ?a bizarre relationship or something unique happened to you, than pitch it to the editor. Some magazines also feature romantic fiction, so if you have some skill weaving words, send your short stories to the editor. Start an e-zine on the internet, if you specialise in a subject and there is little competition than you could be onto something. E-zines make money through third-party advertising - if you can generate a huge potential audience. Consider writing feature articles for magazines, especially if you have a specialist subject. There are hundreds of magazines dedicated to every subject under the sun from caravanning to windsurfing. ?Set up your own agency. Starting a dating agency could be a huge success! Find out if there抯 a need where you live for lonely hearts. If you live in a creative hub, why not found an agency for new artists and illustrators. If you have organisation skills, you can arrange exhibitions and seek out shops looking to sell original art or prints. There抯 always a need for the Kissogram, it抯 cheesy but you don抰 need much to get started ?apart from a suitable Tarzan outfit for example and a lot of guts! Advertise in your local paper. ?Generate ideas UGG Jimmy Choo Sora Board games can be big money if they are a hit. Design a new board game based on a subject that抯 in vogue. Check out what works in existing games and do some market research. If you love TV than why not invent the programme you would love to watch. TV formats can be lucrative if they are a hit ?whether it抯 a reality TV show or a quiz show with a difference. Remember to copyright your ideas. If you just need to generate a bit of extra cash to lighten your student debt for example, why not think about: ?Becoming a film extra. Look out for production companies advertising in your area. They often need people of all looks, shapes and sizes ?you don抰 have to be Julia Roberts or Brad Pitt. ?If you don抰 mind hanging out with criminals, than police ID parades are easy money. Ask at your local police station for more information. Chestnut Uggs Boots ?Check what stuff you抳e accumulated in your attic. Even if it抯 an old toy it could be a collectable. A little research and you can find out if that teddy bear your great aunt gave you is worth a few bob ?that is of course it hasn抰 got too much sentimental value! Once you抳e worked out what you want to sell, put it on E-Bay. ?Art classes often need life models. If you抮e thick skinned enough and can hold a pose, why not? ?If you love to shop till you drop but don抰 have the bank account to fund your retail habit, than becoming a mystery shopper could be perfect for you. You could get to stay in a hotel even or go to a restaurant to report on how customers are being treated.

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