Monday, February 27, 2012

Charles Darnay's way

Teacher class, and no ruined nobility had dropped out of Tellson's ledgers, to turn cooks and carpenters. As a tutor, whose attainments made the student's way unusually pleasant and profitable, and as an elegant translator who brought something to his work besides mere dictionary knowledge, young Mr. Darnay soon became known and encouraged. He was well acquainted, moreover, with the circumstances of his country, and those were of ever-growing interest. So, with great perseverance and untiring industry, he prospered.
In London, he had expected neither to walk on pavements of gold, nor to lie on beds of roses: if he had had any such exalted expectation, he would not have prospered. He had expected labour, and he found it, and did it, and made the best of it. In this, his prosperity consisted.
A certain portion of his time was passed at Cambridge, where he read with undergraduates as a sort of tolerated smuggler who drove a contraband trade in European languages, instead of conveying Greek and Latin through the Custom-house. The rest of his time he passed in London.
Now, from the days when it was always summer in Eden, to these days when it is mostly winter in fallen latitudes, the world of a man has invariably gone one way--Charles Darnay's way--the way of the love of a woman.
He had loved Lucie Manette from the hour of his danger. He had never heard a sound so sweet and dear as the sound of her compassionate voice; he had never seen a face so tenderly beautiful, as hers when it was confronted with his own on the edge of the grave that had been dug for him. But, he had not yet spoken to her on the subject; the assassination at the deserted chaateau far away beyond the heaving water and the long, long, dusty roads--the solid stone chaateau which had itself become the mere mist of a dream--had been done a year, and he had never yet, by so much as a single spoken word, disclosed to her the state of his heart.

`I do not find myself making any use of the word sacrifice

Emma continued to entertain no doubt of her being in love. Her ideas only varied as to the how much. At first, she thought it was a good deal; and afterwards, but little. She had great pleasure in hearing Frank Churchill talked of; and, for his sake, greater pleasure than ever in seeing Mr. and Mrs. Weston; she was very often thinking of him, and quite impatient for a letter, that she might know how he was, how were his spirits, how was his aunt, and what was the chance of his coming to Randalls again this spring. But, on the other hand, she could not admit herself to be unhappy, nor, after the first morning, to be less disposed for employment than usual; she was still busy and cheerful; and, pleasing as he was, she could yet imagine him to have faults; and farther, though thinking of him so much, and, as she sat drawing or working, forming a thousand amusing schemes for the progress and close of their attachment, fancying interesting dialogues, and inventing elegant letters; the conclusion of every imaginary declaration on his side was that she refused him. Their affection was always to subside into friendship. Every thing tender and charming was to mark their parting; but still they were to part. When she became sensible of this, it struck her that she could not be very much in love; for in spite of her previous and fixed determination never to quit her father, never to marry, a strong attachment certainly must produce more of a struggle than she could foresee in her own feelings.
`I do not find myself making any use of the word sacrifice,' said she. - `In not one of all my clever replies, my delicate negatives, is there any allusion to making a sacrifice. I do suspect that he is not really necessary to my happiness. So much the better. I certainly will not persuade myself to feel more than I do. I am quite enough in love. I should be sorry to be more.'
Upon the whole, she was equally contented with her view of his feelings.

Mrs. Weston and Mrs. Stokes

Oh! I beg your pardon, sir. I did not immediately recollect. Undoubtedly if you wish it, I will endeavour to persuade them both.' And away he ran.
Long before he reappeared, attending the short, neat, brisk-moving aunt, and her elegant niece, - Mrs. Weston, like a sweet-tempered woman and a good wife, had examined the passage again, and found the evils of it much less than she had supposed before - indeed very trifling; and here ended the difficulties of decision. All the rest, in speculation at least, was perfectly smooth. All the minor arrangements of table and chair, lights and music, tea and supper, made themselves; or were left as mere trifles to be settled at any time between Mrs. Weston and Mrs. Stokes. - Every body invited, was certainly to come; Frank had already written to Enscombe to propose staying a few days beyond his fortnight, which could not possibly be refused. And a delightful dance it was to be.
Most cordially, when Miss Bates arrived, did she agree that it must. As a counsellor she was not wanted; but as an approver, (a much safer character,) she was truly welcome. Her approbation, at once general and minute, warm and incessant, could not but please; and for another half-hour they were all walking to and fro, between the different rooms, some suggesting, some attending, and all in happy enjoyment of the future. The party did not break up without Emma's being positively secured for the two first dances by the hero of the evening, nor without her overhearing Mr. Weston whisper to his wife, `He has asked her, my dear. That's right. I knew he would!'

Miss Bates had just done as Patty opened the door

Miss Bates had just done as Patty opened the door; and her visitors walked upstairs without having any regular narration to attend to, pursued only by the sounds of her desultory good-will.
`Mrs. Cole has servants to send. Can I do any thing for you?'
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`No, I thank you. But do come in. Who do you think is here? - Miss Woodhouse and Miss Smith; so kind as to call to hear the new pianoforte. Do put up your horse at the Crown, and come in.'
`Well,' said he, in a deliberating manner, `for five minutes, perhaps.'
`And here is Mrs. Weston and Mr. Frank Churchill too! - Quite delightful; so many friends!'
`No, not now, I thank you. I could not stay two minutes. I must get on to Kingston as fast as I can.'
`Oh! do come in. They will be so very happy to see you.'
`No, no; your room is full enough. I will call another day, and hear the pianoforte.'
`Well, I am so sorry! - Oh! Mr. Knightley, what a delightful party last night; how extremely pleasant. - Did you ever see such dancing? - Was not it delightful? - Miss Woodhouse and Mr. Frank Churchill; I never saw any thing equal to it.'
`Oh! very delightful indeed; I can say nothing less, for I suppose Miss Woodhouse and Mr. Frank Churchill are hearing every thing that passes. And (raising his voice still more) I do not see why Miss Fairfax should not be mentioned too. I think Miss Fairfax dances very well; and Mrs. Weston is the very best country-dance player, without exception, in England. Now, if your friends have any gratitude, they will say something pretty loud about you and me in return; but I cannot stay to hear it.'
`Oh! Mr. Knightley, one moment more; something of consequence - so shocked! - Jane and I are both so shocked about the apples!'
`What is the matter now?'
Frank Churchill had danced once at Highbury, and longed to dance again; and the last half-hour of an evening which Mr. Woodhouse was persuaded to spend with his daughter at Randalls, was passed by the two young people in schemes on the subject. Frank's was the first idea; and his the greatest zeal in pursuing it; for the lady was the best judge of the difficulties, and the most solicitous for accommodation and appearance. But still she had inclination enough for shewing people again how delightfully Mr. Frank Churchill and Miss Woodhouse danced - for doing that in which she need not blush to compare herself with Jane Fairfax - and even for simple dancing itself, without any of the wicked aids of vanity - to assist him first in pacing out the room they were in to see what it could be made to hold - and then in taking the dimensions of the other parlour, in the hope of discovering, in spite of all that Mr. Weston could say of their exactly equal size, that it was a little the largest.

she voluntarily said

Enscombe however was gracious, gracious in fact, if not in word. His wish of staying longer evidently did not please; but it was not opposed. All was safe and prosperous; and as the removal of one solicitude generally makes way for another, Emma, being now certain of her ball, began to adopt as the next vexation Mr. Knightley's provoking indifference about it. Either because he did not dance himself, or because the plan had been formed without his being consulted, he seemed resolved that it should not interest him, determined against its exciting any present curiosity, or affording him any future amusement. To her voluntary communications Emma could get no more approving reply, than,
`Very well. If the Westons think it worth while to be at all this trouble for a few hours of noisy entertainment, I have nothing to say against it, but that they shall not chuse pleasures for me. - Oh! yes, I must be there; I could not refuse; and I will keep as much awake as I can; but I would rather be at home, looking over William Larkins's week's account; much rather, I confess. - Pleasure in seeing dancing! - not I, indeed - I never look at it - I do not know who does. - Fine dancing, I believe, like virtue, must be its own reward. Those who are standing by are usually thinking of something very different.'
This Emma felt was aimed at her; and it made her quite angry. It was not in compliment to Jane Fairfax however that he was so indifferent, or so indignant; he was not guided by her feelings in reprobating the ball, for she enjoyed the thought of it to an extraordinary degree. It made her animated - open hearted - she voluntarily said; -
He laughed rather consciously; and though denying the sentiment, Emma was convinced that it had been so.
`And you must be off this very morning?'
`Yes; my father is to join me here: we shall walk back together, and I must be off immediately. I am almost afraid that every moment will bring him.'

This card-room would be wanted

`Well, Miss Woodhouse,' he almost immediately began, `your inclination for dancing has not been quite frightened away, I hope, by the terrors of my father's little rooms. I bring a new proposal on the subject: - a thought of my father's, which waits only your approbation to be acted upon. May I hope for the honour of your hand for the two first dances of this little projected ball, to be given, not at Randalls, but at the Crown Inn?'
`My dear, you are too particular,' said her husband. `What does all that signify? You will see nothing of it by candlelight. It will be as clean as Randalls by candlelight. We never see any thing of it on our club-nights.'
The ladies here probably exchanged looks which meant, `Men never know when things are dirty or not;' and the gentlemen perhaps thought each to himself, `Women will have their little nonsenses and needless cares.'
One perplexity, however, arose, which the gentlemen did not disdain. It regarded a supper-room. At the time of the ballroom's being built, suppers had not been in question; and a small card-room adjoining, was the only addition. What was to be done? This card-room would be wanted as a card-room now; or, if cards were conveniently voted unnecessary by their four selves, still was it not too small for any comfortable supper? Another room of much better size might be secured for the purpose; but it was at the other end of the house, and a long awkward passage must be gone through to get at it. This made a difficulty. Mrs. Weston was afraid of draughts for the young people in that passage; and neither Emma nor the gentlemen could tolerate the prospect of being miserably crowded at supper.
Mrs. Weston proposed having no regular supper; merely sandwiches, &c., set out in the little room; but that was scouted as a wretched suggestion. A private dance, without sitting down to supper, was pronounced an infamous fraud upon the rights of men and women; and Mrs. Weston must not speak of it again. She then took another line of expediency, and looking into the doubtful room, observed,

Randalls. CHAPTER XI

`To think of your sending us all your store apples. You said you had a great many, and now you have not one left. We really are so shocked! Mrs. Hodges may well be angry. William Larkins mentioned it here. You should not have done it, indeed you should not. Ah! he is off. He never can bear to be thanked. But I thought he would have staid now, and it would have been a pity not to have mentioned. . . . Well, (returning to the room,) I have not been able to succeed. Mr. Knightley cannot stop. He is going to Kingston. He asked me if he could do any thing. . . .'
`Yes,' said Jane, `we heard his kind offers, we heard every thing.'
`Oh! yes, my dear, I dare say you might, because you know, the door was open, and the window was open, and Mr. Knightley spoke loud. You must have heard every thing to be sure. ``Can I do any thing for you at Kingston?'' said he; so I just mentioned. . . . Oh! Miss Woodhouse, must you be going? - You seem but just come - so very obliging of you.'
Emma found it really time to be at home; the visit had already lasted long; and on examining watches, so much of the morning was perceived to be gone, that Mrs. Weston and her companion taking leave also, could allow themselves only to walk with the two young ladies to Hartfield gates, before they set off for Randalls.
It may be possible to do without dancing entirely. Instances have been known of young people passing many, many months successively, without being at any ball of any description, and no material injury accrue either to body or mind; - but when a beginning is made - when the felicities of rapid motion have once been, though slightly, felt - it must be a very heavy set that does not ask for more.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Is There A Limited Amount Of Money You Can Make Online-_69676

If you are looking on the web for ways to make cash, you will be disappointed. Still if you are searching for ways to earn cash that you can convert into an incredable earning you could get wealthy internet opportunities available to you.
There are so many chances to earn extra money on the internet today. For example you can find men who will begin a blog about any matter they like moreover turn into huge income of eve approximately a million per year. They do it by sending quality content and by advertising to corporations who want their advertisement in front of the people.
If you are in need of money now, I mean in one hour, try this. Imagine doubling your income every week with little or no risk! You can discover Million Dollar corporations, that offers you affiliate marketing of their products at a commission of seventy five % to you in the internet. Another way to make internet income is by beginning your own business. One way to begin to advertise your own products on the web and earn cash from it.
There are many people who have many web sites and who earns lacs as earning. There are also people who will join an internet business in a business model like web marketing and that into full time earnings of their own. Both will go hand in hand as it is a internetsite which helps you to shows the doorway to the people. However it is a advertising that brings the people on the site.
So it means you should build a valuable website. How will you work on this? Well, have a look at the competitors. Is there any thing that you think you can do much better than them? If so, try to make it possible. If you have any plans, utilize them. You should stand out from the rest, because standing out will make a difference in the life of people.
So what are your plans? You have to build a internetsite and you have to market your internetsite. You have to be creative and you will have fun doing it. The person who will have fun while doing their job is the one who will succeed in their life. It is because they are passionate for what they are doing. If you just combine in, then it's going to be a hit and miss from there. Your projection will hit you or miss you. It depends on you as you will be the first one they will see. But you are looking fine you are going to be the one they are attracted to.
This means not only your website should to be good, even your marketing campaigns should to be attractive. You should to be good in your advertising and you should find the method to attract people.
So what are you going to do? You're going to build a website and you are going to market that website. You are going to be creative all the way around and you are going to succeed in whatever you put your head to.
To Your Online Business,
Jeremy Rise  

Conferencing Calls_64104

Web conferencing provides a great combination of the advantages of the Internet together with voice conferencing to enable you to carry on online meetings and events like a face to face meeting with the aid of audience response tools , visuals, and other features with ease making your events and meetings productive, more interactive, entertaining and engaging through inexpensive conference calling.

Web conferencing is the term which refers to conducting presentations or meetings over the Internet live. In the initial span of time for the use of Internet, the terms "computer conferencing" and "web conferencing" were generally used to specify to group discussions that were conducted within a message board (through posted messages) i.e. they were not live. But with the advancement of technology, the term has grown to refer particularly to "live" meetings, while the posted message variety of discussion is called a "message board", "forum", or " company bulletin board", since these days live discussions are more effective. One needs to have an internet connection for web conferencing. Web conferencing requires an application software that enables any user to communicate with other conferencing people using internet. This application is provided by a "host" company which charges for using it. The people involved can exchange their ideas, information and data easily and the presenter can get the feedback immediately from all the people concerned simultaneously. This can be either an application that is downloaded on each of the attendees computers or an application that is web-based where the attendees simply have to enter a "URL" or website meeting address to enter and participate in the conference or live meeting . These web applications use either Java or Flash technology for their functioning. For many individuals and businesses entities, conference calls alleviate the unnecessary cost and troubles of travel by providing a platform to contact different people at the sane time. By using this facility a person can be contacted at the best comfort. Audio conference call service systems help organizations improve communications and business processes while significantly reducing conferencing costs Tele conference calls involve telephone solutions only - no internet or web-based technology. Conference call, using standard telephone equipment and speakerphones, was a new way to reach out and connect with distant clients.

Now, companies can save significant travel expenditure by using tele conferencing ?get connected with 5, 10, or 50 co-workers, clients, or customers.

Our expert designed solutions utilize industry standards to ensure compatibility of existing networking infrastructure. It reduces overall business travel expenses and eliminates potential risk factors to employees.

Instead of the deployment of the complete or process redevelopment or network face-lifts , a network add-on is often simpler and more effective. Conference call rates are less and even allows timely, productive and effective communications between employees , businesses, investors, suppliers, and customers on a 24 by 7 basis without any hassles or disruptions.  

Computer Networking To The World Wide Web_63112

Computer networking in internet marketing is rapidly becoming one of the most effective advertising options available today. The Internet reaches a worldwide audience of millions, and is available 24 hours a day. This is one of the reasons why more and more potential customers are turning to the Internet; people research products and services before making a purchase. As more and more of us turn to the Internet, it is important for businesses to establish an online presence. There is an online social networking industry. There are now many social networking sites and social networking success stories.

People are asking the question: what is networking? It is a question that has so many answers attached to it. Examples for networking can be home networking, business networking, broadband networking to include networking cable and networking tutorials. Networking services are so flexible and diverse - a computer network business that involves networking jobs is a possibility, for example, affiliate programs are on the list of many. Competitors can gain an edge over those who are not networking for sales. It is important for business to begin Internet marketing campaigns,
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and for these same businesses to realize basic advertising principles still exist even when networking; they cannot neglect these principles. Most importantly those who advertise online have to be aware of their target audience and how to reach this audience.

Having a computer networking system where you do some market research before you launch your Internet marketing campaign is a must. Ideally this should involve hiring a research consultant with a great deal of experience in conducting and evaluating this type of market research. The results of this research should determine the basic demographical information for the target audience on the World Wide Web. This is one of many computer-networking solutions. At the start, basic computer networking is important with results that include information on how to reach your audience. If, however, your budget cannot stretch to hiring a consultant to conduct this market research, you should still make an effort to obtain this information under your own steam, so you can have an insight into the best way to reach your audience on the World Wide Web. This networking can be done through networking mlm and affiliate programs.

As you obtain this information, it is important to tailor the Internet marketing campaign to appeal to your computer networking services, as the right message has to reach the right people in a manner they can understand, and in which they can relate; the wording of your copy and the use of more advanced design features such as audio, visual or interactive tools will appeal if done correctly. It would obviously have to be a website that can greatly contribute to your cause and establish how people will view you. For example, a website which is designed to attract the attention of an older generation with more conservative tastes should include muted colours, clean design and conservative graphics, to ensure the target audience enjoys the website. The language on your website should be formal with facts to back up view points.

However, if you are looking to appeal to a more younger audience with liberal viewpoints you might chose to design the website with bold colours that should be eye catching - graphics with a creative flair. The language on the more liberal or younger targeted website should be more informal, focussing more on emotion and express viewpoints. For both websites you may wish to include audio and video clips to appeal to your targeted audience. This may be books or videos that you are marketing. Do not forget that computer networking is important to appeal to the people you are trying to attract to your niche audience. Keeping these details in mind is very important for your business to succeed. With networking do the right thing and follow your passion!  

You'll Feel Rich Using 3 Tips_70274

Are you looking for an internet business opportunity that you can start from home?

It's easy to set up an internet business, you can start from home if you work with consistency.

This article will teach you how to achieve success from your internet business no matter what will come in your way.

Here you can read some steps that will help you to grow your internet business...

1. Don't Quit If You Face Some Initial Failures.

2. Should Have High Determination to Move Ahead.

3. Don抰 Go For Quick Rich Schemes.

Let's go down for more juicy details...

1. Don't Quit If You Face Some Initial Failures.

You may ask this question yourself as you get started with your internet marketing business.

Why these people make millions and I can't even earn single dime.

There is a simple reason behind it. Every internet marketer who is making millions now, has passed from the same situation whet he started his own business on internet.

Though they found initial failures, they never thought of quiting the business and finally they found their way to success in the world of internet business.

They always learnt from their mistakes and got improvements in their work nature till they found the success.

As they have successful business model now, they just multiply their efforts to get more income.

2. Should Have High Determination to Move Ahead.

You can't achieve success with internet marketing business, if you don抰 have high determination to achieve success.

You will not become successful with your knowledge, skills and education but you will be successful if you have determination, persistency and killer desire to make money on internet.

You just need to keep your eyes on your goal and try your best till you will not shoot your goal.

3. Don抰 Go For Quick Rich Schemes.

Don't try to hunt schemes that promises you to make you a millionaire in a quick time.

There is no shortcut to achieve success on internet, go slow but steadily to fulfill your dreams.  

Your Online Business Comes In A 10 Pound Box_67695

No more guesswork, get all the resource guides, workbooks, CDs, DVDs and more when you receive this 10 pound box full of all the tools that will educate you all the way to building your own million dollar online business.

No more searching for products, seeking answers on forums, or searching for marketing tips (I still want you to come back here tho). No more need to hire web designers or consultants. No more struggling trying to get it figured out on your own.

When this 10 pound box reaches your doorstep you can begin learning all the aspects of building your online business.

* Writing marketing copy that gets the wallet out
* Constructing websites that grab the eyes of visitors (graphics, credit card processing, order forms, etc.)
* Building your online business fast and easy without creating your own product
* Mastering E-Mail marketing and growing that list
* Accelerating the learning curve and avoiding common "Internet Business Blunders"

Even if you have never owned or managed a business, or even studied marketing in school it doesn't matter. Starting your own online business is like on-the-job training and making money at the same time, you will grow with it. This is almost like receiving schooling and experience in a box. Remember, this is a heavy box full of everything you need.

Not a "techie", relax. Programming knowledge not required. Special equipment not required. You already know how to turn on your computer, check your e-mail, and surf the web so you too can use this program to be on your way of reaching your goal having a million dollar online business.

We all see the brick and mortar stores having rough time, too much overhead (the lease, the utilities, the payroll, the stock, etc.), while online spending is on the rise. This just might be the ticket to your financial independence.  

Your Internet Business-- How Kids Can Help_74296

Doing business online can be a real challenge. It can be difficult to keep up with the latest technology and product trends. If you don't have time to do your homework because you are too busy working a full-time job and taking care of a family, it may make things seem impossible if you are not internet savvy. There are definitely some perks having a technology, marketing and product development staff at your place of employment. Just thinking about all of the people it takes to operate a viable business is overwhelming. I have spent many hours reading e-books and watching videos about how to make money online. Because I grew up in the 80s and graduated from college just before the internet was born, like a lot of us, I was never formally educated on the subject, so it was not second nature. I have been labeled by some as "the internet queen" because that is where I can be found during most of my free time. But let me set the record straight, I am far from living up to that name.

Here is a little background about myself just to give you an idea of how my mind works. It doesn't involve much technology. I hold a bachelor's degree in psychology with a minor in sociology. Most of my work has involved kids who are neglected and/or abused. Fighting the desire to throw the laptop on my desk out of the nearest window because it won't cooperate, is probably the most technological thing that I do at work. Don't get me wrong, I have learned a lot about computers over past seven years. Sometimes I get lucky and fix the office printer or help someone with who is having problems with their computer. I will admit that sometimes I have no idea how I did it, but please don't tell anyone. It would ruin my "internet queen" reputation.

So, what I know best is kids. One thing I always say to parents is that, unlike adults, kids are like sponges. They can watch T.V, play a video game and hear every word of your adult conversations, all at the same time. One thing I always tell kids is that, just because I am an adult, does not mean that I can't learn anything from them. Kids seem to have the ability to retain a lot more information at once than adults, so the internet is not as frustrating for them as it is for some of us. So, what does all of this have to do with operating an online business? I used to think it had nothing to do with it until I came to my senses.

Kids these days have grown up on the web. They are aware of fashion and the latest trends. They know what they want and how to push all the right buttons so their parents will get it for them. They also know the limits of what to ask for. So, where do I go when I need help with understanding a program that makes no sense or want to know about the hottest selling items? I ask kids. My eleven-year-old niece and her friends helped me choose jewelry from one of my wholesalers to resell. I had no trouble selling what they chose. They know what their parents and other adults are looking for also. If you don't think your kids ever listen to you or know what you want or are interested in, ask them. You might be surprised to find that they listen to you more than you think. My niece tells me everything her friend's parents are looking for also. She listens to them, too! Kids are great marketers and know what advertisements make them want an item and why. Want to know a great blog site to advertise a product? Chances are a kid can tell you. They are also great researchers. If they don't know, they can find out, and usually it is faster than you can find it. Also, don't overlook the local high school and college computer geeks. That is where you should go when you need a webpage designed or get the answers to your tech questions. They work cheap and sometimes for free. Always reward them in some way, even if it just taking them out to dinner or helping them with something in return. You don't want to take advantage of them just because they are kids. They learn how to treat others by observing their parents and other adults and will mirror these behaviors. It is good way to teach moral values to our future adults. Keep in mind that this is the generation that will be responsible for taking care of you when you are too old to take care of yourself!

Hopefully, I have convinced you that kids can be an important and profitable part of your online business. Learn from them! They love to teach and their patience is usually better than ours. They are kids. They know what it is like for others to be impatient with them which helps them to be more empathetic and less irritated when they have to show you the same thing a hundred times. It's also a great way to spend quality time with a child and even teach them the value of work and the rewards to be gained. Give them praises for their skill, knowledge and help. There is nothing wrong with boosting a child's self-esteem along the way. Your business will be more successful when you give back to others in the process!  

Youtube Safety Mode Is Now Ready To Roll_64667

If you are one of the millions of people who loves to watch videos on YouTube then at some point you might have noticed that after a few searches you might have come across material which most parents would consider questionable. I am talking about those keywords that you type on the search bar that often have a double meaning such as "furries" and even that other synonym used to describe cats.

YouTube is the largest online multimedia website then it goes without saying that more and more Internet marketers are interested in promoting your products and services on this site, the same can be said about those people who work in the adult industry.

YouTube is very clear about its policies regarding adult content but some people just don't understand (or don't want to understand) and whenever their content goes online release of people are able to access such material. Unfortunately for most of us, the content being posted by these adult marketers often contains a series of keywords and synonyms which are related to entirely different content and ideas so if you happen to be looking for a funny video about cats you might end up stumbling upon something you were not looking for.

Most people will not pay attention to such material and they will just skip over it but what would happen if you were using YouTube in front of a classroom full of students and while looking for a multimedia illustration you stumble upon questionable content? Most teachers at this point would have a situation on their hands. What if you worked at a bank where going online in order to access questionable material is highly inappropriate and punishable? How would you feel if you were told by your supervisor to head towards the HR department because it seems questionable material was being accessed from your computer?

I am sure that by now you get the point and so does YouTube so in order to prevent these "accidents" YouTube has to recently enabled a feature called safety mode for those who want to filter out videos which may contain objectionable content. Safety mode it's a feature that can be turned on and off but it is far from perfect so if you are one of those people who loves YouTube and want to use your break time in order to have some fun through your company's computers then it is a good idea to enable this feature and at the same time use some common sense about the keywords that you are using on every search because you better than anybody knows what synonyms could be related to questionable content.  

What I Have Learnt As A Beginner To Internet Online Business_76559

Like tens of thousands of people who often venture online exploring ways to make a little extra money, I have been looking for ways that would allow me to eventually live a life with residual income and financial freedom.

Obviously, I did not know how except for the fact that many are making millions of dollars every year from Internet.

But I learnt fast, after having paid a lot of money to the so-called Internet gurus. I realised that there were a lot of scams, hyped-up promises, and just plain sure-way-to-loose-your-hard-earned-money programs. Very quickly, it became obvious to me that the promises of make-tons-of-money-with-no-effort-all-for-free had to be challenged because this is not true at all! What you get for nothing would be nothing. I learnt now how I should look every time before I leapt.

Building a business online is just like building a brick-and-mortar business offline. So you need both a good plan and a marketable product. Some friends advised that I should build a website around my personal interest or hobbies because it�d be fun doing so. That way, when the going gets tough, the motivation to persevere would be more likely to prevail. However I found that my own interest and hobbies were not necessarily what the market was looking for. In fact, I realized that I should look at other people�s interest instead.

The easiest way to get into business online is through affiliate programs which allow you to sign up as an affiliate member. You earn a referral commission from selling the program owners?products.

These products are usually information products such as electronic books (eBook) and software that can be delivered as a file that is then downloaded directly to your customers' computers. They could be repeatedly reproduced and downloaded and sold at no cost. There�s no packing, shipping and delivery cost. Owing to this, affiliate program owners usually pay their affiliates high commissions (50% or more).

I learnt that it is best for beginners to start by joining a few affiliate programs, followed by announcing this to as many friends as possible to prompt them to visit my websites.

At the same time I was strongly advised against the use of �Spam? Suddenly I found my list of friends to be pathetically short! Hardly 100 names!

I was feeling really inadequate after finding that many Internet entrepreneurs actually had a mailing lists of well over 5000, 10,000, 100,000��.

To start off, I needed a website, although people do make money without a website. By joining an affiliate program I did not have to worry about creating a website of my own because many affiliate programs do offer websites for free.

However I was advised to learn how to modify the website to differentiate it from many others having the same program so that I would have some advantages over others.

As I said, I had a miserable mailing list hence I needed to build one for visitors by their subscribing to my online newsletters. Oh yes, I have heard it a thousand times in my short stay in this business ?�The money is in the list...that all important list which begins the flow of "traffic" �No list...No traffic...No traffic...No sales..?

I send these people my regular newsletter via �autoresponder?provided by the program and over time, I hope to develop a relationship with many of the visitors.

A newsletter allows me to share information and resources with my subscribers resulting in a positive rapport, friendship and eventually trust.

There�s a 30-day guide which is really cool. It takes me step by step each day to improve my business incrementally. The tips and tricks given are especially for professional business working from home. It exposes me to many possibilities, among other things, of how to drive traffic to my site. And I find joy in doing so especially in my pyjamas!

The program allows me to join a discussion forum. It is like walking into a big library, the only difference is that this is better because all the members have similar interest i.e. Internet business. This is where I find answers and solutions to my questions and problems. I find active and successful members discussing their latest findings, for instance, the best websites and software to use to improve our businesses. Another advantage in taking part in the discussion is that other members or visitors get to know my website located in my �signature file?

Yes, I also learnt how to place my adverts. Here are some of the things that I�ve looked into:

1) The various locations where I can place an ad such as newsgroups, forums, ezines, and web sites.

2) How to post information to a mailing list or newsgroup for free but using a signature file to promote my websites.

3) How the program helps me to set up autoresponders to take away the chore of responding to visitors manually.

4) How to write articles and submit them to article directories to get free advertisement for life.

5) I�ve created a Blog of my own. It is an excellent way to provide visitors and customers with information at their fingertips, just a click away. I keep it fresh and alive by posting interesting articles on Internet business on a regular basis. The articles in the Blog also offer me free advertisement because each article carries a link to my websites.

In conclusion, if you want to make money on the Internet, it is a real possibility. But please do not expect something for nothing. You need to invest in your effort, time, commitment and at least some financial input. Once you�ve decided, go for it and. ?.DON'T EVER GIVE UP!  

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Perry!' said he to Emma, and trying, as he spoke, to catch Miss Fairfax's eye

The joy, the gratitude, the exquisite delight of her sensations may be imagined. The sole grievance and alloy thus removed in the prospect of Harriet's welfare, she was really in danger of becoming too happy for security. - What had she to wish for? Nothing, but to grow more worthy of him, whose intentions and judgment had been ever so superior to her own. Nothing, but that the lessons of her past folly might teach her humility and circumspection in future.
Serious she was, very serious in her thankfulness, and in her resolutions; and yet there was no preventing a laugh, sometimes in the very midst of them. She must laugh at such a close! Such an end of the doleful disappointment of five weeks back! Such a heart - such a Harriet!
Now there would be pleasure in her returning - Every thing would be a pleasure. It would be a great pleasure to know Robert Martin.
High in the rank of her most serious and heartfelt felicities, was the reflection that all necessity of concealment from Mr. Knightley would soon be over. The disguise, equivocation, mystery, so hateful to her to practise, might soon be over. She could now look forward to giving him that full and perfect confidence which her disposition was most ready to welcome as a duty.

`I do suspect that in the midst of your perplexities at that time, you had very great amusement in tricking us all. - I am sure you had. - I am sure it was a consolation to you.'
`Oh! no, no, no - how can you suspect me of such a thing? I was the most miserable wretch!'
`Not quite so miserable as to be insensible to mirth. I am sure it was a source of high entertainment to you, to feel that you were taking us all in. - Perhaps I am the readier to suspect, because, to tell you the truth, I think it might have been some amusement to myself in the same situation. I think there is a little likeness between us.'
He bowed.
`If not in our dispositions,' she presently added, with a look of true sensibility, `there is a likeness in our destiny; the destiny which bids fair to connect us with two characters so much superior to our own.'
`True, true,' he answered, warmly. `No, not true on your side. You can have no superior, but most true on mine. - She is a complete angel. Look at her. Is not she an angel in every gesture? Observe the turn of her throat. Observe her eyes, as she is looking up at my father. - You will be glad to hear (inclining his head, and whispering seriously) that my uncle means to give her all my aunt's jewels. They are to be new set. I am resolved to have some in an ornament for the head. Will not it be beautiful in her dark hair?'
`Very beautiful, indeed,' replied Emma; and she spoke so kindly, that he gratefully burst out,
`How delighted I am to see you again! and to see you in such excellent looks! - I would not have missed this meeting for the world. I should certainly have called at Hartfield, had you failed to come.'
The others had been talking of the child, Mrs. Weston giving an account of a little alarm she had been under, the evening before, from the infant's appearing not quite well. She believed she had been foolish, but it had alarmed her, and she had been within half a minute of sending for Mr. Perry. Perhaps she ought to be ashamed, but Mr. Weston had been almost as uneasy as herself. - In ten minutes, however, the child had been perfectly well again. This was her history; and particularly interesting it was to Mr. Woodhouse, who commended her very much for thinking of sending for Perry, and only regretted that she had not done it. `She should always send for Perry, if the child appeared in the slightest degree disordered, were it only for a moment. She could not be too soon alarmed, nor send for Perry too often. It was a pity, perhaps, that he had not come last night; for, though the child seemed well now, very well considering, it would probably have been better if Perry had seen it.'
Frank Churchill caught the name.
`Perry!' said he to Emma, and trying, as he spoke, to catch Miss Fairfax's eye. `My friend Mr. Perry! What are they saying about Mr. Perry? - Has he been here this morning? - And how does he travel now? - Has he set up his carriage?'
Emma soon recollected, and understood him; and while she joined in the laugh, it was evident from Jane's countenance that she too was really hearing him, though trying to seem deaf.

Ah! poor Harriet!'

Emma could not help laughing as she answered, `Upon my word, I believe you know her quite as well as I do. - But, Mr. Knightley, are you perfectly sure that she has absolutely and downright accepted him. I could suppose she might in time - but can she already? - Did not you misunderstand him? - You were both talking of other things; of business, shows of cattle, or new drills - and might not you, in the confusion of so many subjects, mistake him? - It was not Harriet's hand that he was certain of - it was the dimensions of some famous ox.'
The contrast between the countenance and air of Mr. Knightley and Robert Martin was, at this moment, so strong to Emma's feelings, and so strong was the recollection of all that had so recently passed on Harriet's side, so fresh the sound of those words, spoken with such emphasis, `No, I hope I know better than to think of Robert Martin,' that she was really expecting the intelligence to prove, in some measure, premature. It could not be otherwise.
`Do you dare say this?' cried Mr. Knightley. `Do you dare to suppose me so great a blockhead, as not to know what a man is talking of? - What do you deserve?'
`Oh! I always deserve the best treatment, because I never put up with any other; and, therefore, you must give me a plain, direct answer. Are you quite sure that you understand the terms on which Mr. Martin and Harriet now are?'
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`I am quite sure,' he replied, speaking very distinctly, `that he told me she had accepted him; and that there was no obscurity, nothing doubtful, in the words he used; and I think I can give you a proof that it must be so. He asked my opinion as to what he was now to do. He knew of no one but Mrs. Goddard to whom he could apply for information of her relations or friends. Could I mention any thing more fit to be done, than to go to Mrs. Goddard? I assured him that I could not. Then, he said, he would endeavour to see her in the course of this day.'
`I am perfectly satisfied,' replied Emma, with the brightest smiles, `and most sincerely wish them happy.'
`You are materially changed since we talked on this subject before.'
`I hope so - for at that time I was a fool.'
`And I am changed also; for I am now very willing to grant you all Harriet's good qualities. I have taken some pains for your sake, and for Robert Martin's sake, (whom I have always had reason to believe as much in love with her as ever,) to get acquainted with her. I have often talked to her a good deal. You must have seen that I did. Sometimes, indeed, I have thought you were half suspecting me of pleading poor Martin's cause, which was never the case; but, from all my observations, I am convinced of her being an artless, amiable girl, with very good notions, very seriously good principles, and placing her happiness in the affections and utility of domestic life. - Much of this, I have no doubt, she may thank you for.'
`Me!' cried Emma, shaking her head. - `Ah! poor Harriet!'
She checked herself, however, and submitted quietly to a little more praise than she deserved.
Their conversation was soon afterwards closed by the entrance of her father. She was not sorry. She wanted to be alone. Her mind was in a state of flutter and wonder, which made it impossible for her to be collected. She was in dancing, singing, exclaiming spirits; and till she had moved about, and talked to herself, and laughed and reflected, she could be fit for nothing rational.
Her father's business was to announce James's being gone out to put the horses to, preparatory to their now daily drive to Randalls; and she had, therefore, an immediate excuse for disappearing.


No objection was raised on the father's side; the young man was treated liberally; it was all as it should be: and as Emma became acquainted with Robert Martin, who was now introduced at Hartfield, she fully acknowledged in him all the appearance of sense and worth which could bid fairest for her little friend. She had no doubt of Harriet's happiness with any good-tempered man; but with him, and in the home he offered, there would be the hope of more, of security, stability, and improvement. She would be placed in the midst of those who loved her, and who had better sense than herself; retired enough for safety, and occupied enough for cheerfulness. She would be never led into temptation, nor left for it to find her out. She would be respectable and happy; and Emma admitted her to be the luckiest creature in the world, to have created so steady and persevering an affection in such a man; - or, if not quite the luckiest, to yield only to herself.
Harriet, necessarily drawn away by her engagements with the Martins, was less and less at Hartfield; which was not to be regretted. - The intimacy between her and Emma must sink; their friendship must change into a calmer sort of goodwill; and, fortunately, what ought to be, and must be, seemed already beginning, and in the most gradual, natural manner.
Before the end of September, Emma attended Harriet to church, and saw her hand bestowed on Robert Martin with so complete a satisfaction, as no remembrances, even connected with Mr. Elton as he stood before them, could impair. - Perhaps, indeed, at that time she scarcely saw Mr. Elton, but as the clergyman whose blessing at the altar might next fall on herself. - Robert Martin and Harriet Smith, the latest couple engaged of the three, were the first to be married.
Jane Fairfax had already quitted Highbury, and was restored to the comforts of her beloved home with the Campbells. - The Mr. Churchills were also in town; and they were only waiting for November.
The intermediate month was the one fixed on, as far as they dared, by Emma and Mr. Knightley. - They had determined that their marriage ought to be concluded while John and Isabella were still at Hartfield, to allow them the fortnight's absence in a tour to the seaside, which was the plan. - John and Isabella, and every other friend, were agreed in approving it. But Mr. Woodhouse - how was Mr. Woodhouse to be induced to consent? - he, who had never yet alluded to their marriage but as a distant event.
When first sounded on the subject, he was so miserable, that they were almost hopeless. - A second allusion, indeed, gave less pain. - He began to think it was to be, and that he could not prevent it - a very promising step of the mind on its way to resignation. Still, however, he was not happy. Nay, he appeared so much otherwise, that his daughter's courage failed. She could not bear to see him suffering, to know him fancying himself neglected; and though her understanding almost acquiesced in the assurance of both the Mr. Knightleys, that when once the event were over, his distress would be soon over too, she hesitated - she could not proceed.
In this state of suspense they were befriended, not by any sudden illumination of Mr. Woodhouse's mind, or any wonderful change of his nervous system, but by the operation of the same system in another way. - Mrs. Weston's poultry-house was robbed one night of all her turkeys - evidently by the ingenuity of man. Other poultry-yards in the neighbourhood also suffered. - Pilfering was housebreaking to Mr. Woodhouse's fears. - He was very uneasy; and but for the sense of his son-in-law's protection, would have been under wretched alarm every night of his life. The strength, resolution, and presence of mind of the Mr. Knightleys, commanded his fullest dependence. While either of them protected him and his, Hartfield was safe. - But Mr. John Knightley must be in London again by the end of the first week in November.
The result of this distress was, that, with a much more voluntary, cheerful consent than his daughter had ever presumed to hope for at the moment, she was able to fix her wedding-day - and Mr. Elton was called on, within a month from the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin, to join the hands of Mr. Knightley and Miss Woodhouse.
The wedding was very much like other weddings, where the parties have no taste for finery or parade; and Mrs. Elton, from the particulars detailed by her husband, thought it all extremely shabby, and very inferior to her own. - `Very little white satin, very few lace veils; a most pitiful business! - Selina would stare when she heard of it.' - But, in spite of these deficiencies, the wishes, the hopes, the confidence, the predictions of the small band of true friends who witnessed the ceremony, were fully answered in the perfect happiness of the union.

`Oh! no - what an impudent dog I was! -

In the gayest and happiest spirits she set forward with her father; not always listening, but always agreeing to what he said; and, whether in speech or silence, conniving at the comfortable persuasion of his being obliged to go to Randalls every day, or poor Mrs. Weston would be disappointed.
They arrived. - Mrs. Weston was alone in the drawing-room: - but hardly had they been told of the baby, and Mr. Woodhouse received the thanks for coming, which he asked for, when a glimpse was caught through the blind, of two figures passing near the window.
`It is Frank and Miss Fairfax,' said Mrs. Weston. `I was just going to tell you of our agreeable surprize in seeing him arrive this morning. He stays till to-morrow, and Miss Fairfax has been persuaded to spend the day with us. - They are coming in, I hope.'
In half a minute they were in the room. Emma was extremely glad to see him - but there was a degree of confusion - a number of embarrassing recollections on each side. They met readily and smiling, but with a consciousness which at first allowed little to be said; and having all sat down again, there was for some time such a blank in the circle, that Emma began to doubt whether the wish now indulged, which she had long felt, of seeing Frank Churchill once more, and of seeing him with Jane, would yield its proportion of pleasure. When Mr. Weston joined the party, however, and when the baby was fetched, there was no longer a want of subject or animation - or of courage and opportunity for Frank Churchill to draw near her and say,
`I have to thank you, Miss Woodhouse, for a very kind forgiving message in one of Mrs. Weston's letters. I hope time has not made you less willing to pardon. I hope you do not retract what you then said.'
`No, indeed,' cried Emma, most happy to begin, `not in the least. I am particularly glad to see and shake hands with you - and to give you joy in person.'
He thanked her with all his heart, and continued some time to speak with serious feeling of his gratitude and happiness.
`Is not she looking well?' said he, turning his eyes towards Jane. `Better than she ever used to do? - You see how my father and Mrs. Weston doat upon her.'
But his spirits were soon rising again, and with laughing eyes, after mentioning the expected return of the Campbells, he named the name of Dixon. - Emma blushed, and forbade its being pronounced in her hearing.
`I can never think of it,' she cried, `without extreme shame.'
`The shame,' he answered, `is all mine, or ought to be. But is it possible that you had no suspicion? - I mean of late. Early, I know, you had none.'
`I never had the smallest, I assure you.'
`That appears quite wonderful. I was once very near - and I wish I had - it would have been better. But though I was always doing wrong things, they were very bad wrong things, and such as did me no service. - It would have been a much better transgression had I broken the bond of secrecy and told you every thing.'
`It is not now worth a regret,' said Emma.
`I have some hope,' resumed he, `of my uncle's being persuaded to pay a visit at Randalls; he wants to be introduced to her. When the Campbells are returned, we shall meet them in London, and continue there, I trust, till we may carry her northward. - But now, I am at such a distance from her - is not it hard, Miss Woodhouse? - Till this morning, we have not once met since the day of reconciliation. Do not you pity me?'
Emma spoke her pity so very kindly, that with a sudden accession of gay thought, he cried,
`Ah! by the bye,' then sinking his voice, and looking demure for the moment - `I hope Mr. Knightley is well?' He paused. - She coloured and laughed. - `I know you saw my letter, and think you may remember my wish in your favour. Let me return your congratulations. - I assure you that I have heard the news with the warmest interest and satisfaction. - He is a man whom I cannot presume to praise.'
Emma was delighted, and only wanted him to go on in the same style; but his mind was the next moment in his own concerns and with his own Jane, and his next words were,
`Did you ever see such a skin? - such smoothness! such delicacy! - and yet without being actually fair. - One cannot call her fair. It is a most uncommon complexion, with her dark eye-lashes and hair - a most distinguishing complexion! So peculiarly the lady in it. - Just colour enough for beauty.'
`I have always admired her complexion,' replied Emma, archly; `but do not I remember the time when you found fault with her for being so pale? - When we first began to talk of her. - Have you quite forgotten?'
`Oh! no - what an impudent dog I was! - How could I dare - '
But he laughed so heartily at the recollection, that Emma could not help saying,

`I do not know which it ought to be called.'

Mrs. Weston was acting no part, feigning no feelings in all that she said to him in favour of the event. - She had been extremely surprized, never more so, than when Emma first opened the affair to her; but she saw in it only increase of happiness to all, and had no scruple in urging him to the utmost. - She had such a regard for Mr. Knightley, as to think he deserved even her dearest Emma; and it was in every respect so proper, suitable, and unexceptionable a connexion, and in one respect, one point of the highest importance, so peculiarly eligible, so singularly fortunate, that now it seemed as if Emma could not safely have attached herself to any other creature, and that she had herself been the stupidest of beings in not having thought of it, and wished it long ago. - How very few of those men in a rank of life to address Emma would have renounced their own home for Hartfield! And who but Mr. Knightley could know and bear with Mr. Woodhouse, so as to make such an arrangement desirable! - The difficulty of disposing of poor Mr. Woodhouse had been always felt in her husband's plans and her own, for a marriage between Frank and Emma. How to settle the claims of Enscombe and Hartfield had been a continual impediment - less acknowledged by Mr. Weston than by herself - but even he had never been able to finish the subject better than by saying - `Those matters will take care of themselves; the young people will find a way.' But here there was nothing to be shifted off in a wild speculation on the future. It was all right, all open, all equal. No sacrifice on any side worth the name. It was a union of the highest promise of felicity in itself, and without one real, rational difficulty to oppose or delay it.
Mrs. Weston, with her baby on her knee, indulging in such reflections as these, was one of the happiest women in the world. If any thing could increase her delight, it was perceiving that the baby would soon have outgrown its first set of caps.
The news was universally a surprize wherever it spread; and Mr. Weston had his five minutes share of it; but five minutes were enough to familiarise the idea to his quickness of mind. - He saw the advantages of the match, and rejoiced in them with all the constancy of his wife; but the wonder of it was very soon nothing; and by the end of an hour he was not far from believing that he had always foreseen it.
`It is to be a secret, I conclude,' said he. `These matters are always a secret, till it is found out that every body knows them. Only let me be told when I may speak out. - I wonder whether Jane has any suspicion.'
He went to Highbury the next morning, and satisfied himself on that point. He told her the news. Was not she like a daughter, his eldest daughter? - he must tell her; and Miss Bates being present, it passed, of course, to Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Perry, and Mrs. Elton, immediately afterwards. It was no more than the principals were prepared for; they had calculated from the time of its being known at Randalls, how soon it would be over Highbury; and were thinking of themselves, as the evening wonder in many a family circle, with great sagacity.
In general, it was a very well approved match. Some might think him, and others might think her, the most in luck. One set might recommend their all removing to Donwell, and leaving Hartfield for the John Knightleys; and another might predict disagreements among their servants; but yet, upon the whole, there was no serious objection raised, except in one habitation, the Vicarage. - There, the surprize was not softened by any satisfaction. Mr. Elton cared little about it, compared with his wife; he only hoped `the young lady's pride would now be contented;' and supposed `she had always meant to catch Knightley if she could;' and, on the point of living at Hartfield, could daringly exclaim, `Rather he than I!' - But Mrs. Elton was very much discomposed indeed. - `Poor Knightley! poor fellow! - sad business for him. - She was extremely concerned; for, though very eccentric, he had a thousand good qualities. - How could he be so taken in? - Did not think him at all in love - not in the least. - Poor Knightley! - There would be an end of all pleasant intercourse with him. - How happy he had been to come and dine with them whenever they asked him! But that would be all over now. - Poor fellow! - No more exploring parties to Donwell made for her. Oh! no; there would be a Mrs. Knightley to throw cold water on every thing. - Extremely disagreeable! But she was not at all sorry that she had abused the housekeeper the other day. - Shocking plan, living together. It would never do. She knew a family near Maple Grove who had tried it, and been obliged to separate before the end of the first quarter.
Time passed on. A few more to-morrows, and the party from London would be arriving. It was an alarming change; and Emma was thinking of it one morning, as what must bring a great deal to agitate and grieve her, when Mr. Knightley came in, and distressing thoughts were put by. After the first chat of pleasure he was silent; and then, in a graver tone, began with,
`I have something to tell you, Emma; some news.'
`Good or bad?' said she, quickly, looking up in his face.
`I do not know which it ought to be called.'

`Poor child!' cried Emma; `at that rate, what will become of her?'

It is as well, perhaps, that I have not had the possibility. Had you not been surrounded by other friends, I might have been tempted to introduce a subject, to ask questions, to speak more openly than might have been strictly correct. - I feel that I should certainly have been impertinent.'
`Oh!' cried Jane, with a blush and an hesitation which Emma thought infinitely more becoming to her than all the elegance of all her usual composure - `there would have been no danger. The danger would have been of my wearying you. You could not have gratified me more than by expressing an interest - . Indeed, Miss Woodhouse, (speaking more collectedly,) with the consciousness which I have of misconduct, very great misconduct, it is particularly consoling to me to know that those of my friends, whose good opinion is most worth preserving, are not disgusted to such a degree as to - I have not time for half that I could wish to say. I long to make apologies, excuses, to urge something for myself. I feel it so very due. But, unfortunately - in short, if your compassion does not stand my friend - '
`Oh! you are too scrupulous, indeed you are,' cried Emma warmly, and taking her hand. `You owe me no apologies; and every body to whom you might be supposed to owe them, is so perfectly satisfied, so delighted even - '
`You are very kind, but I know what my manners were to you. - So cold and artificial! - I had always a part to act. - It was a life of deceit! - I know that I must have disgusted you.'
`Pray say no more. I feel that all the apologies should be on my side. Let us forgive each other at once. We must do whatever is to be done quickest, and I think our feelings will lose no time there. I hope you have pleasant accounts from Windsor?'
`And the next news, I suppose, will be, that we are to lose you - just as I begin to know you.'
`Oh! as to all that, of course nothing can be thought of yet. I am here till claimed by Colonel and Mrs. Campbell.'
`Nothing can be actually settled yet, perhaps,' replied Emma, smiling - `but, excuse me, it must be thought of.'
The smile was returned as Jane answered,
`You are very right; it has been thought of. And I will own to you, (I am sure it will be safe), that so far as our living with Mr. Churchill at Enscombe, it is settled. There must be three months, at least, of deep mourning; but when they are over, I imagine there will be nothing more to wait for.'
`Thank you, thank you. - This is just what I wanted to be assured of. - Oh! if you knew how much I love every thing that is decided and open! - Good-bye, good-bye.'
Mrs. Weston's friends were all made happy by her safety; and if the satisfaction of her well-doing could be increased to Emma, it was by knowing her to be the mother of a little girl. She had been decided in wishing for a Miss Weston. She would not acknowledge that it was with any view of making a match for her, hereafter, with either of Isabella's sons; but she was convinced that a daughter would suit both father and mother best. It would be a great comfort to Mr. Weston, as he grew older - and even Mr. Weston might be growing older ten years hence - to have his fireside enlivened by the sports and the nonsense, the freaks and the fancies of a child never banished from home; and Mrs. Weston - no one could doubt that a daughter would be most to her; and it would be quite a pity that any one who so well knew how to teach, should not have their powers in exercise again.
`She has had the advantage, you know, of practising on me,' she continued - `like La Baronne d'Almane on La Comtesse d'Ostalis, in Madame de Genlis' Adelaide and Theodore, and we shall now see her own little Adelaide educated on a more perfect plan.'
`That is,' replied Mr. Knightley, `she will indulge her even more than she did you, and believe that she does not indulge her at all. It will be the only difference.'
`Poor child!' cried Emma; `at that rate, what will become of her?'
`Nothing very bad. - The fate of thousands. She will be disagreeable in infancy, and correct herself as she grows older. I am losing all my bitterness against spoilt children, my dearest Emma. I, who am owing all my happiness to you, would not it be horrible ingratitude in me to be severe on them?'
Emma laughed, and replied: `But I had the assistance of all your endeavours to counteract the indulgence of other people. I doubt whether my own sense would have corrected me without it.'

What! are we to have the pleasure of a call from Mr. Elton?

This is most kind, indeed! - Miss Woodhouse, it is impossible for me to express - I hope you will believe - Excuse me for being so entirely without words.'
Emma was gratified, and would soon have shewn no want of words, if the sound of Mrs. Elton's voice from the sitting-room had not checked her, and made it expedient to compress all her friendly and all her congratulatory sensations into a very, very earnest shake of the hand.
Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Elton were together. Miss Bates was out, which accounted for the previous tranquillity. Emma could have wished Mrs. Elton elsewhere; but she was in a humour to have patience with every body; and as Mrs. Elton met her with unusual graciousness, she hoped the rencontre would do them no harm.
She soon believed herself to penetrate Mrs. Elton's thoughts, and understand why she was, like herself, in happy spirits; it was being in Miss Fairfax's confidence, and fancying herself acquainted with what was still a secret to other people. Emma saw symptoms of it immediately in the expression of her face; and while paying her own compliments to Mrs. Bates, and appearing to attend to the good old lady's replies, she saw her with a sort of anxious parade of mystery fold up a letter which she had apparently been reading aloud to Miss Fairfax, and return it into the purple and gold reticule by her side, saying, with significant nods,
`We can finish this some other time, you know. You and I shall not want opportunities. And, in fact, you have heard all the essential already. I only wanted to prove to you that Mrs. S. admits our apology, and is not offended. You see how delightfully she writes. Oh! she is a sweet creature! You would have doated on her, had you gone. - But not a word more. Let us be discreet - quite on our good behaviour. - Hush! - You remember those lines - I forget the poem at this moment:
`For when a lady's in the case, `You know all other things give place.'
Now I say, my dear, in our case, for lady, read - - mum! a word to the wise. - I am in a fine flow of spirits, an't I? But I want to set your heart at ease as to Mrs. S. - My representation, you see, has quite appeased her.'
And again, on Emma's merely turning her head to look at Mrs. Bates's knitting, she added, in a half whisper,
`I mentioned no names, you will observe. - Oh! no; cautious as a minister of state. I managed it extremely well.'
Emma could not doubt. It was a palpable display, repeated on every possible occasion. When they had all talked a little while in harmony of the weather and Mrs. Weston, she found herself abruptly addressed with,
`Do not you think, Miss Woodhouse, our saucy little friend here is charmingly recovered? - Do not you think her cure does Perry the highest credit? - (here was a side-glance of great meaning at Jane.) Upon my word, Perry has restored her in a wonderful short time! - Oh! if you had seen her, as I did, when she was at the worst!' - And when Mrs. Bates was saying something to Emma, whispered farther, `We do not say a word of any assistance that Perry might have; not a word of a certain young physician from Windsor. - Oh! no; Perry shall have all the credit.'
`I have scarce had the pleasure of seeing you, Miss Woodhouse,' she shortly afterwards began, `since the party to Box Hill. Very pleasant party. But yet I think there was something wanting. Things did not seem - that is, there seemed a little cloud upon the spirits of some. - So it appeared to me at least, but I might be mistaken. However, I think it answered so far as to tempt one to go again. What say you both to our collecting the same party, and exploring to Box Hill again, while the fine weather lasts? - It must be the same party, you know, quite the same party, not one exception.'
Soon after this Miss Bates came in, and Emma could not help being diverted by the perplexity of her first answer to herself, resulting, she supposed, from doubt of what might be said, and impatience to say every thing.
`Thank you, dear Miss Woodhouse, you are all kindness. - It is impossible to say - Yes, indeed, I quite understand - dearest Jane's prospects - that is, I do not mean. - But she is charmingly recovered. - How is Mr. Woodhouse? - I am so glad. - Quite out of my power. - Such a happy little circle as you find us here. - Yes, indeed. - Charming young man! - that is - so very friendly; I mean good Mr. Perry! - such attention to Jane!' - And from her great, her more than commonly thankful delight towards Mrs. Elton for being there, Emma guessed that there had been a little show of resentment towards Jane, from the vicarage quarter, which was now graciously overcome. - After a few whispers, indeed, which placed it beyond a guess, Mrs. Elton, speaking louder, said,
`Yes, here I am, my good friend; and here I have been so long, that anywhere else I should think it necessary to apologise; but, the truth is, that I am waiting for my lord and master. He promised to join me here, and pay his respects to you.'
`What! are we to have the pleasure of a call from Mr. Elton? - That will be a favour indeed! for I know gentlemen do not like morning visits, and Mr. Elton's time is so engaged.'

Monday, February 20, 2012

Ways To Being Aggressive For Job Seekers_41419

At first, being aggressive is not certainly doing some crazy things to get employed. In case you do so, you do not just diminish your options of being employed, but you are actually ruining your options of establishing your career. In fact, being aggressive to be employed for the work means that you need to know much more about the agency you wish to work for. You know that your cover letter and resume will mean nothing in case yours are compared to many other resumes. In place of simply undergoing the process, you should talk to numeorus people to have a much better option of being employed. Also, you need to get in touch with managers, decision makers, or the owner on the email or phone so that you are able to demonstrate them your expertise and dedication in the agency. Keep in mind being a fresh graduate does not mean that you are less professional. They are a bit older plus had a head start in showing their worth. In addition, being aggressive means to improve your networking. This goes with the idea you can get in touch with the chosen company's leaders. By means of networking, people will know in person how you will perform when employed. It means that you do not need to prove your own worth too much. As a recent graduate, you should not expect each job option will pour into your doorsteps, expecting much of competition while trying to be empoyed. Finally, be aggressive to be capable to stand out and create a career.

Understanding And Teaching Phonics_45147

Phonics is the relationship between written letters and spoken sounds. Many pre-k programs teach phonics to help children learn to read, even though they may include some whole or sight words in the teaching material as well. The number one step in teaching phonics to a child is to make sure that you are moving at a pace that your child can keep up with. He or she will need to understand the difference between vowels and consonants, and understand the different sounds of the letters in a word. The first words your child will learn to read will be simple consonant-vowel-consonant, words such as big, pat, and hot. Easy words such as these will help your child understand just what the relationship between the sounds in a word are, so that they can be easily deciphered. The First Words: The first words that your child reads will probably be words that you have went over and sounded out together. For example, if you are teaching your child the sounds of the letters r, u and n then you should include the word "run" in any of the beginning readers that you are using. Don't expect your child to be able to read any words with letters that they do not know the basic sounds for. Once your child knows all of the sounds of the vowels and consonants, then you can begin to expect your child to read simple books on their own. Books with short, simple sentences are best for teaching phonics based instruction. There are a variety of types of plans available for teaching phonics based lessons, but the best ones are those that use both spoken and written components. Helping your child learn to read is perhaps easiest when you have a phonics CD or dvd to provide the sounds, while your child works along in a workbook to help associate the sounds with the letters of the alphabet. Most children love using flash cards and they can be helpful when you are teaching a child to read. They can be used as a way to quickly go over the sounds of the alphabet, or to use as a component of a cd or dvd to help your child learn to recognize each letter. Like everything else, there are always exceptions to the rules of phonics. Don't worry about teaching these exceptions until after your child has learned the basic sounds of the alphabet, and is ready to begin to learn sight words. Teaching your child to read is going to take up much of the first few years of school for a complete understanding to take place. , Don't worry if your child seems to be taking a long time to understand phonics.

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Types Of Cemap Training Courses_31861

CeMAP (Certification in Mortgage Advice and Practice) is critically important for aspirants who wish to embark on a career as mortgage advisor. There are a number of CeMAP courses that are offered by different CeMAP training institutes and you can pick the one that best suits your needs. The three widely available CeMAP training course options are traditional classroom courses, online coaching programs and distance learning/home study plans. There is also a fourth option called intensive coaching or learning by attending seminars. Each of these options has its own merits and demerits. The traditional classroom courses are obviously meant for aspirants who have adequate time to spare and attend class room training for long hours. This method is most effective as the trainer will be offering you personalized coaching and clearing all your doubts instantly. Online courses are indeed a blessing in this Internet age and online courses will be preferred by many as you can maintain flexible hours of learning. You can obtain the certification as and when you like and possibly being employed all the time. If you are not in a hurry to acquire CeMAP qualification, you can spend an hour or two a day for studying and go about it in a long-drawn leisurely way. Distance learning/Home study plans is ideal for those candidates who cannot afford to spend time to attend regular course due to employment, or for those who wish to do it at their own pace. Home study courses for CeMAP courses usually entail 12 month exam registration and 120 to 180 hours of study. Home study courses are meant for those who are less computer-savvy and prefer to study with hard copies/printed lessons. Seminar method of learning are primarily meant for busy working professionals who can spare very little time for training but in a hurry to obtain CeMAP certification. These courses generally extend up to 3 days and very intensive in nature. This training course is best for a person who cannot afford to spend long hours but is self-disciplined to learn independently without external supervision. These different types of CeMAP training courses provide opportunities for everyone to get trained at his/her own pace. But whatever method you choose to adopt, the grim fact remains that your success largely depends on your own personal efforts. The best and more assured way to obtain CeMAP qualification is to compulsorily avail CeMAP training course ?whichever the option. Many CeMAP training centers are available all over the country to train you to get your CeMAP qualification. But you must bear in mind that not all the CeMAP training companies will have reliable, experienced and competent teaching staff. Hence, you must exercise care while when selecting CeMAP training company and make sure the institute you select is a recognized CeMAP training center. All the aspiring candidates know that the CeMAP certification is awarded by the Institute of Financial Services (IFS) and the certificate fully meets the requirements stipulated by the Financial Services Skills Council (FSSC). It is only to be expected that more and more people are eager to achieve the CeMAP qualification as the career of mortgage advisers is promising and extremely lucrative.
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Trade Lines Increase Credit Scores 200 Points In 15-30 Days_46422

Your credit score may be increased by 200 points, if you simply buy a good credit Of course you may think, that it is impossible and it is illegal. But facts tell, that it is a complete truth. For 30 years people and companies practice this and it is entirely legal.

For example you need the favorable credit score for some loans (auto loan, home loan). In this case make the investments in acquisition of the seasoned primary accounts. But, first of all, convince of these accounts being primary. Don抰 mix up them with the authorized user accounts. They don抰 regulate the credit score as it were earlier. These seasoned primary accounts have good credit history and are old enough to be relied on.

The process is very simple. You pay and use a someone抯 account, and this helps the account to acquire the excellent credit history. You put money on the account before it is closed. The account holder, who contributed before you, is transferred off the money, and you occupy his place. Now you are the primary account holder with excellent payment history. Then it reflects on your credit score within 15-30 days. The federal law permits such a procedure.

The number of trade lines you acquire define the state of your credit score. You buy a single trade line, your score increase 40-45 points. The more you buy, the more you get.
Unfortunately, primary accounts are rather expansive (1500$ for one). But they bring benefit to their owners.  

Things To Remember When Applying For An Educational Grant_34131

Education is a very important possession for everyone, and everyone should have the opportunity to be educated. However, the cost of education is a great problem for most people. With the global economic slowdown that we are encountering, we know that being able to enroll in colleges and universities is a big deal. Fortunately, there are foundations and organizations that are willing to help people financially to continue their studies.

Scholarship or grant for school is a privileged given to students who excel in a particular field. The organization will be paying a specific amount to help the recipient finish his studies. There are thousands of scholarships that are available to anyone, but due to the fact that millions of people are applying for these scholarships, not everyone is eligible.

Applying for an educational grant is not an easy task. You need to pass all the requirements that the organization is asking, but it does not end there, there will be a series of tests that will conducted in order to determine who among all the applicants really deserve the grant. This can take up to a few weeks, but whenever you are chosen as a lucky recipient, you can already start looking for a university.

When looking for a scholarship, always remember that the papers you will be submitting will greatly affect your chances of getting the financial aid. These papers will be the basis of the organization whether you need the educational grant or are better given to other applicants. There are only limited slots for these grants, and you need to give your best when applying for one. You will never know when you will be accepted or not.

If you are still in high school and do not know where to find these scholarships, you can visit your guidance counselor and ask for a list of all the organizations who are willing to provide financial aid to students like you. The Internet is also a good place to search for educational grants. There are a lot of people who are willing to help you finish your college without asking for anything in return.

Being able to finish college is a great accomplishment, and if you lack money, there are people who are willing to help you financially. All you have to do is look for them and apply for the scholarship. This can be a tedious process, but keep in mind that you are aiming for a free quality education.  

The Role Of The Distance Learning Teacher_44581

With the increasing popularity of online education, due to advancing technologies and an increase in funding for universities to offer distance learning, the role of the teacher, instructor, or lecturer in modern higher education is certainly changing. But with a greater input of technology upon a student s education, is the competency and overall quality of the teacher becoming less important?

In his essay, Distance Learning: Promises, Problems, and Possibilities (2002), Doug Valentine describes, instructors and their attitudes towards teaching in a distance-learning environment as a major potential roadblock to effective distance education, because, the instructor can set the tone for learning in the educational environment. In response to this, it therefore seems of great importance, aside from having the knowledge to utilize the technology for the delivery of education, that he/she must also be eager and confident by his new means for teaching. Following this idea, The University of Florida also published a paper entitled A Teachers Guide To Distance Learning (1995). This essay calls for distance learning technology to be as invisible as possible, endorsing the notion that it is simply a means or tool on offer to aid the delivery of education.

A problem highlighted by Valentine is noticeable here. There are two differing opinions as to what is the exact purpose of distance learning. The first, as stated by Schlosser and Anderson in 1994, is to offer an experience as much like that of traditional, face-to-face instruction as possible. Whilst the second opinion, that of Bates (1995), is that it should be used to improve instruction. Depending on which of the above is to be adopted by the institution, it seems that the quality, competency, and connection between teacher and student should be of the utmost importance for the former. However, if a better education system is required than that of the traditional form, then the position and actions of the instructor may be quite different.

For a distance learning course to be more successful than a traditional learning programme, it seems that the role of the teacher should be more in line with the instruction of The University of Florida. For example, the UoF highlights four adaptations, the first is to establish effective strategies for implementing small group activities and individual practice. The second is to hone techniques for maximizing teacher/student and student/student interactions. The third is to establish successful approaches for integrating technology into the teaching/learning process. And the final method for adaptation is to implement tactics for motivating students at a distance.

The role of the distance learning instructor is no doubt changing in comparison to that of the traditional lecturer. However, where an institution is seen to be implementing the most radical changes and newest technologies, today s distance learning instructor has as much accountability to his students, and a further responsibility to the future advancement of education in general.  

The Nobel Reward- A Goal Of Scientific Recognition_33858

There is no single discussion concerning academic grants without mentioning one of the most favorite scientific honours on the planet -the Nobel Prize. Although technically not an school allow, as the award is granted for completed researches, it nonetheless, can be regarded as help for the promotion of science and scientific discoveries. The Prize is regarded as the most prestigious on the planet, where amid the winners such figures can be found as Maria Sklodowska-Curie and Alexander Fleming in the field of science, as well as Gabriel Garcia Marquez in the area of literature. The Nobel Prize has a huge influence that can be seen through the attention it obtained in the media at past decades. In that way, the article will provide a brief review of the significance of the Prize.


The Nobel Prize was set up under the will of Swedish inventor and scientist A. Nobel. The purpose of the prize was to prize those people whose work provided the most profit to mankind in the year preceding the nomination. This prize is awarded in several fields, such as physics, chemistry, medicine, and others. In a scientific context it can be said that the award, that is 10 million Swedish Kronor, is a wonderful help for researchers that devoted their life to science plus helping humankind.


In spite of the notion that most discoveries and inventions were created for the love of science, it can be stated that the Nobel Prize contributed to the development of science in general. The increase of the amount of winners in the past decades shows that for many scientists the Prize is one of the main targets they aim for. In that regard, the prize can be seen important not for the monetary honor, as much as for the recognition it provides, which makes the award the innermost fantasy of young scientists.  

The Homestay Option Is A Good One_45797

Everyone dreams of traveling the world. And the number one concern on most people's mind is where they are going to stay. Imagine yourself welcoming some of these travelers into your home. If you were to become a homestay host, you could be welcoming world travelers into your home. If you have a spare room, an interest in meeting new people, and do not mind working from home, then becoming a homestay host may be something that would work out well for you.

There may be extra space in your house or a person could stay if they are traveling from the other side of the state or another country. One thing that is nice is that you can choose the schedule yourself. If you feel like having paying guests in your from house you can, and if you don't, no problem.

If you live in North America, you're in luck. Over one third of all home stays are in North America. California, Washington DC, and Canada are all very popular destinations for home stays. And even though homestays are a bargain price for travelers, they still make for a very nice additional income at home.

In general there are about 30 countries offering homestays and the opportunity to meet people from other cultures. Becoming a host family can help open up your world whilst helping you to save money in your own vacation fund. You may end up hosting somebody from an exotic land, form a friendship, and then decide to visit them the following year. There is nothing more enjoyable than spending vacation time with somebody who knows the area and can give you the exposure to culture that you would not normally get from a vacation travel package.

An interesting part of this market is the student sector. Students will often seek out homestays as part of their foreign education plan. You might host a student for five months if they are just studying for a semester or for a full year in the case of students studying for a degree. If you have a student in your house you may want to consider a homestay exchange. Your son or daughter visits overseas, and is hosted by a family who send a student to stay with you.

Mature students also travel to other countries and want to enjoy the benefits of staying with a family rather than in student housing. Considering all the economic benefits that come from staying in a place that has its own kitchen, good access to transportation and first hand local information on inexpensive services, home stay's for students are a great bargain whilst still providing a very nice income for you.

Think also about the safety aspect of visiting a different country and being close to people who know the neighborhood, the city, and the best places to have a good time safely. The security of staying in a home environment is a great advantage.

These days many people are looking for additional ways to supplement their income to cover everyday expenses. Becoming a homestay host can bring in money from visitors; at the same time offering you the chance to find out more about a foreign destination before you make your travel plans. Take the advantages of having people home stay at your house, as well as the opportunity to learn about foreign countries where you may want to visit, and I'm sure you'll agree the benefits are just amazing!

All you need is a sense of adventure, an extra room or two in her house, and desire to travel the world without breaking the bank and I am sure you look into the idea of being a homestay host.