Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cash Gifting 1 Up Or No 1 Up - What's The Differents_46998

Have you been taking a look at a 1 up cash gifting program online or off? I'm here to warn you about the one up system and how it is inadequate for a lot of folks with empty guarantees. The problem is the 1 up is a defective system and it is very easy to use the folks that get involved in cash gifting online .

The first issue and the biggest issue is qualifiers. The fact of the case is your 1st cash pledge SHOULD be enough to enable you to start generating cash from home online . Not with the 1 up systems! You first pledge money, THEN have to go out and try and convince somebody the system works BEFORE you have made a dime. No honest god loving person can accomplish this.

How can you prove to somebody a cash gifting system works when you have never gotten any cash? That's the 1 ups down fall. If you try to fib around it when the person that has been invited enters the inviter code, the system tells them to send the present to someone else. Giant RED X on your integrity and the cash gift is gone. Right up to the person who invited you.

See, when they are told to send the gift to someone else,replica chanel watches, the system also tells them the contact information. They call them and there goes your qualifier. The fat pussy is in the one up system. Listen to me when I tell you. I was there and it wasn't any fun. Everyone merits to generate cash from the people they invite every TIME and every TIME.

With the no 1 up cash gifting program, the gift is ALWAYS split based on the difference in levels. IE you are on $3500. Invite someone at $7500 and $3500 always goes to you.There is no way to cheat the system or the person who invited someone to the program. The tracking system instantly indoctrinates the new person where to send each portion of the cash gifting pledge online.There is no losing your hard earned prospect due to a devious inviter!

That is why I got involved with a no up cash gifting system. The difference is. You are straight away able to receive cash on the levels you join. So there is never any loss of a cash gift OR person. When you join the 1 up, you are cursed to fail.Trust me, I am getting calls from folks all the time begging for my expert help and marketing recommendation. The one up and their sponsors failed them. Join the right NO UP cash gifting program AND choose the right inviter, then there is no REASON why you can not have the lifestyle you dream of!

A small number of you who made the major screw-up of joining a 1 up, are not believing me. If the one up was so awesome why are people out there offering deals that wave the one up??? Why because the one up doesn't WORK. Check the PPC ads under cash gifting and you'll see all sorts of folks JUST BEGGING for you to sign up because the one up is not working as they were told it would.

folks like to argue that with no 1 up, you are constantly hiring people. Well, as you can see from people making these deals,black uggs, if the 1 up was so wonderful, why in the world would folks say that you can skip it? An smart entrepreneur should be in a position to see thru the hype at that point. The 1 up does not work and it is and always will be up to you to generate your own money online .

Just this week wealth shares of four thousand bucks were passed to me in this gifting program MORE than once by the same person. The one up, is simply that one up. ONE TIME.Since the no 1 up cash gifting program has 4 levels at 500, 1000, two thousand, and four thousand there are giant amounts of wealth shares passed along at the upper levels. Don't get your cash gifting research confused. The no 1 up provides money for you every time on the levels you are on. If you are on all levels and the person you invite signs up at $3500. Then they sign two people up at $7500 you'll receive those wealth shares of $4000 repeatedly again.

The person inviting them also gets their fair share of the cash and will also get $3500 out of each one of the people they personally invited. A fair and even split that happens time after time again till that person upgrades and gifts you yet another $4000.

As you can obviously see, the higher levels here have a lot of benefits. I no longer accept 500 buck gifts. I am able to turn them away...

If you ignore my words of advice,chanel ceramic j12, do so at your own risk. Don't try to get help from me after either,chanel unisex watches, I'm to busy counting my wealth shares! Still do not believe me? I can play you loads of voicemail messages from my 800 number, where folks BEG ME for help with the 1 up.  

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