Sunday, February 26, 2012

Youtube Safety Mode Is Now Ready To Roll_64667

If you are one of the millions of people who loves to watch videos on YouTube then at some point you might have noticed that after a few searches you might have come across material which most parents would consider questionable. I am talking about those keywords that you type on the search bar that often have a double meaning such as "furries" and even that other synonym used to describe cats.

YouTube is the largest online multimedia website then it goes without saying that more and more Internet marketers are interested in promoting your products and services on this site, the same can be said about those people who work in the adult industry.

YouTube is very clear about its policies regarding adult content but some people just don't understand (or don't want to understand) and whenever their content goes online release of people are able to access such material. Unfortunately for most of us, the content being posted by these adult marketers often contains a series of keywords and synonyms which are related to entirely different content and ideas so if you happen to be looking for a funny video about cats you might end up stumbling upon something you were not looking for.

Most people will not pay attention to such material and they will just skip over it but what would happen if you were using YouTube in front of a classroom full of students and while looking for a multimedia illustration you stumble upon questionable content? Most teachers at this point would have a situation on their hands. What if you worked at a bank where going online in order to access questionable material is highly inappropriate and punishable? How would you feel if you were told by your supervisor to head towards the HR department because it seems questionable material was being accessed from your computer?

I am sure that by now you get the point and so does YouTube so in order to prevent these "accidents" YouTube has to recently enabled a feature called safety mode for those who want to filter out videos which may contain objectionable content. Safety mode it's a feature that can be turned on and off but it is far from perfect so if you are one of those people who loves YouTube and want to use your break time in order to have some fun through your company's computers then it is a good idea to enable this feature and at the same time use some common sense about the keywords that you are using on every search because you better than anybody knows what synonyms could be related to questionable content.  

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