Monday, February 20, 2012

Trade Lines Increase Credit Scores 200 Points In 15-30 Days_46422

Your credit score may be increased by 200 points, if you simply buy a good credit Of course you may think, that it is impossible and it is illegal. But facts tell, that it is a complete truth. For 30 years people and companies practice this and it is entirely legal.

For example you need the favorable credit score for some loans (auto loan, home loan). In this case make the investments in acquisition of the seasoned primary accounts. But, first of all, convince of these accounts being primary. Don抰 mix up them with the authorized user accounts. They don抰 regulate the credit score as it were earlier. These seasoned primary accounts have good credit history and are old enough to be relied on.

The process is very simple. You pay and use a someone抯 account, and this helps the account to acquire the excellent credit history. You put money on the account before it is closed. The account holder, who contributed before you, is transferred off the money, and you occupy his place. Now you are the primary account holder with excellent payment history. Then it reflects on your credit score within 15-30 days. The federal law permits such a procedure.

The number of trade lines you acquire define the state of your credit score. You buy a single trade line, your score increase 40-45 points. The more you buy, the more you get.
Unfortunately, primary accounts are rather expansive (1500$ for one). But they bring benefit to their owners.  

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